Apripoko - The family Robot.
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Robots !!
I like robots. Never handled one but I'm sure I wud love it if I were ever to use one. I think we can clearly measure the success of this world by the kind of advancement robots are beginning to have lately, don't u think?
Ok so a new robot has been made and this one is a family joy. No, not the servent kind..but a smart remote handling type. It has a cute (somehow I dislike the word cute btw..) n' a cuddly look - not the warrior kinda look that every robot is made out to to be...especially in the cartoons.
Enter - Apripoko. That's the name of this bird-looking robot -developed by Toshiba. ( Japan..where else?)
The main function of ApriPoko is to learn your iR remote control actions. In simple words, ApriPoko is a voice-operated infrared universal remote control...wooooh oooh boy, geeekyy.
All u gotta do is instruct this robot dude what you want to do. For instance, switch on the TV and it will do it for you.
ApriPoko has in itself a few sensors that enable the detection of infrared rays coming out from the remote. U did know remotes worked with infrared, rite?? I'll assume u did. If u didn't..well...never mind.. no comments thr...jus read on..
So everytime you press a button, it will ask "What did you just do?" and wotever u say next, it will record. The next time onwards, you just have to tell the robot what you want to do..and voila..it will be done. Jo hukm mere aaka kinds!! So u better watch wot u tell it if it asks u. ApriPoko will automatically control the TV or perhaps any other device without needing a remote.
Hold on though, this robot is yet just a prototype and can perform simple commands like switching the TV on/off or toggling channels etc.
The concept and the robot are yet at the developing stage. Therefore, Toshiba now hopes to develop a consumer friendly version of the ApriPoko. If this happens, we might see ApriPoko kind of universal remotes sooner.
Oh by the way, how do you guys pronounce robot? like..robat? or..robert? or roobaat, with the stress on t ?? Who cares as long as it works, eh?? Lolz..
Neat I say. Bring 'em on !!
Nice post about apripoko. Tell us when it is out,ok? And I spell robot as Robo. :-)
Thanx Urvashi.
I didn't know the infrared info!! Thanks!! I am an enlightened soul now!! otherwise all i knew was to press buttons and surf channels!!!
1000 bucks for your thoughts?