Pissitoriams..Jus' DO IT..
TWEET this post of you like it.
Man..I missed this space. How's this post for a comeback??
Had to share these with u.. Dammit, I'd love to install one of these one day..somewhere.. Check em' out..
No guarantees of return..
For future astronauts..
For Corporates to feel at home..
For loud mouths..
No escaping the kind..
For exhibitionists..
For kinky women..
For the rock star in you..

And finally...for actors to get that 'feel' u know...

I'm still laughing on the inside. Oh By the way, Happy Valentine's day... Lol!!
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Had to share these with u.. Dammit, I'd love to install one of these one day..somewhere.. Check em' out..

I'm still laughing on the inside. Oh By the way, Happy Valentine's day... Lol!!
lol!..seems like there is ground-breaking innovation in this field too(well,why should it be lagging behind!)....
Lol. U took the words rite outta my mouth.
this is for the first time i came to know there is so much innovation in this field too
Welcome to the real world then Anirudh.
It's a hole..uh...whole business these days..
i m glad u didnt flush the idea of posting this blog...hahahaha
That is awesome, man this is hilarious... If i were a guy, then id think about emptying my bladder every hour with women gazing at me...And thats some innovative shit....
Really cool post...Love it:)
Workhard......I guess that was the exact idea of the guy who made it in the 1st place.. I guess. hahaa
ye its funny arright.
What A innovation in this field tooo:) I didnt know about this:) Good Lovely Post:)
Creativity............... Innovation cannot be stopped. This had to happen sometime or the other. Lol.
Creativity peeing out of the post!!! heheheehe!!!
Path breaking innovation!!!!!
Verdict: It fired my imagination!! hahaha(wink.)!
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